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Robbie has co-written a screenplay with Hailey Lustig called EMBERS.  Set in idyllic Muskoka, Ontario, EMBERS is a small jewel of a film that uses original songs to examine the impact of lifelong friendship, young romance, and the indelible mark of summer camp.

Contact: Jason Weinberg, Untitled Entertainment, LA· (310) 601-2101, NY· (212) 367-8905  

Robbie Website 2_edited_edited_edited_ed
PromiseEMBERS - Robbie Roth
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Northern StarEmbers - Robbie Roth
00:00 / 03:10

On September 9th, 2023, Robbie will be producing a workshop presentation of Little Rock Songs at OBJX Studios, in Toronto, ON. The evening will feature fifteen numbers from the Little Rock Songs double album, set against the story of Bill Clinton's life and time in office.

Contact: Susan Weaving, William Morris Endeavor Agency, 1-212--903-1170

In late-2023, Robbie will be releasing a new album entitled, REVELATION. The record chronicles the experience of isolation and introspection during the pandemic.

Contact: Susan Weaving, William Morris Endeavor Agency, 1-212--903-1170

IsolationRevelation - Robbie Roth
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WyomingRevelation - Robbie Roth
00:00 / 02:46

Robbie continues to write humorist and policy speeches for politicians and business executives in Canada and the United States.

Contact: Susan Weaving, William Morris Endeavor Agency, 1-212--903-1170

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